"Come out from among them..."


It’s Sunday morning, and I’m having some porch time with Holy Ghost.  

For the first 57 years of my life, each Sunday would find me in church.  I am so very grateful for that heritage.  With the passing of my spiritual father, mentor, pastor friend, Apostle Ball in the summer of 2018, that very long, beautiful season of my life changed. 

Here is what I believe:

Yahweh is calling His own to "come out from among them..." 

In almost every scripture reference speaking of this truth, He is NOT talking to sinners...He is talking to His own, who, time and time again, allowed themselves to get caught up in idolatry, the greatest of which is religion. 

Prophetically, I talk a lot about this journey: From the refugee camp, into the house of the concubine, on to a place of sonship at The Father's table...and NOW a wooing to become The Bride of Christ. (More on that another time.)

But the greatest detriment to that call is the former glory...those beautiful places and moments that WERE from Him but were NEVER meant to be places to camp. 

In my study, almost every great "move of God" has lost its power, only to become a white-washed sepulcher full of dead men's bones...

But our merciful Father Yahweh IS calling us out...not the wounded or bitter or resentful looking to prove they are "right," but the healed and gracious and loving sons and daughters in the earth who have honored every moment, every person who has contributed to their journey, every process along the way...to find themselves being LED BY THE SPIRIT into the unexpected unknown of our true identity of becoming ONE with Yahshua, our Resurrected King so that He can consummate and complete all that the Father has placed in Him. 

The idea that that place of being IN Him, IN His name, IN His throne, can be constrained or marketed or defined in doctrinal statements and Sunday morning services is absurd. 

There has been and continues to be, a shifting in the earth, today. In both the natural governments and dimensions, and in the Kingdom of Christ, change HAS come. And for those who have been hearing His call to come out, we are positioned perfectly for the crumbling of every Kingdom that rises against the ONLY one that matters.

And for those who cannot let go, who are spending every moment, every dollar, every breath preserving what HAS been, I know the grace and mercy of a Loving Father continues to call...continues to beckon...continues to offer His faith to empower us to do what we could never do on our own...to let go of the traditions of men, and the kingdoms of the church we have built, and to allow His Spirit to drive us into The Wilderness, a place where everything we have used to prop us up, to identify our worth, to try to prove the validity of the callings of former days gives way to Him...and Him alone. 

I am abundantly grateful for our Apostle, who spent 35 years being faithful to speak Yahweh's Word into our lives so that a sure foundation has been built upon which we can walk out of the old into the new. 

Happy Sunday...from The Wilderness.


A visit from Joel Salatin.


A new year at Heritage Farm.