Our Vision

Who is your ministry for and why do feel that what you have to offer is relevant to people today and how can it help them?

We are often asked, “What is your vision?  What is your Mission Statement?”  In fact, we probably get asked those questions more than any other. 

Articulating the answer is hard for us.

Perhaps the TRUEST answer simply would be this: We are committed to be led by the Spirit.  (Romans 8:14)

As we have been taught to acknowledge Father Yahweh in ALL our ways, we have made a commitment to live and think  “Outside the Box.”  On any given day, you might find us cutting hay for our cows, planting turnip greens in our garden, teaching our children and grandchildren, preaching The Gospel, growing businesses, redeeming land, processing chickens, hosting families who need a little help to get on top of life. 

But our hearts are always set toward healing...however a need might present itself. We love to share with others as we continue on our own journey of change, to serve as we see a need, to build something meaningful that will prepare the way for those who come after us, and to use what we have to help others do the same in their own lives.  We’re not trying to gather a big following or trying to convince that our way is the only way--but we’re simply doing our best to walk humbly and uprightly and to offer our testimony to others who resonate with the callings we hear echoing across the earth.

We have come to believe that it IS possible to live outside the “Babylonian” precepts that keep people enslaved to financial debt, unhealthy food, biased education, and controlling religion. 

We often ask ourselves these questions when making a decision:

Does this honor?

Can this bring healing?

Will this move us closer to redeeming what has been lost? 

We are living out our days being a voice to that end, learning and stretching and growing as we go, and co-laboring with folks who dare to believe there is a New and Living Way.